오디오클립 - AudioClip

by NAVER Corp.



AudioClip is an audio content platform where you can encounter various stories by listening to different kinds of audio technology of NAVER.  * A story made with audio technology: Meet various contents with several audio technologies of NAVER.Experiments on AudioClip’s audio technology will keep up. * Follow channels of interest: Choose your favorite channels among various categories like humanism, history, language, science, culture, health, and arts, and follow them.
 * Listen with visual materials: Listen to the contents by looking at images or descriptions and make a more abundant experience.
 * Share clips you want to listen together: Found a clip that touched your heart or clip that you must definitely listen together? Then share it with your friends and family by sharing on social media or through links.  AudioClip uses various audio technology of NAVER to build a world for new audio contents; helping creators create easier contents in daily life and users encounter audio contents in an easier way.  For suggestions and affiliate inquires for new audio contents, please follow the link below. * Official AudioClip Post http://post.naver.com/audioclip* Official AudioClip Website http://audioclip.naver.com Thank you.----In case of a problem or an error occurs while using the app, resolve your questions by visiting NAVER customer service ( http://me2.do/F87kdKsd ).----Developer contact :1588-3820 Gyunggido Sungnamsi Bundanggu Jungjadong 178-1 Green Factory 16th floor